First of all, Ngugi's experience was somehow similar to Korean colonial one. Japan tried to abolish our language and culture but it didn't succeed. It was like cannon from Ngugi's article. Koreans defied their violence and confronted to die. Therefore we can keep our language and tradition. Koreans still look down Japanese style accent with a strong backlash to Japan's invasion. Japan knew language was the means of the spiritual obtainment. However it didn't make the perfect conquer because of its external pursue like physical and brutal violence.
Secondly, after independence from Japan, Korea didn't have a right to deal by itself. Several country discussed Korea's issue like Ngugi's country. The slow and deep invasion started in the name of help. We have a different version of colonialzation. Unlike Japan's occupation, we did't have a strong resist. Without notion, we got into America's culture occupation. US runs a tight ship of economy and politics in Korea. I don't deny the necessity of English in the world. The spread of English is one of tools to colonize the world.
Lastly, English is just a langage to communicate. However, it is more than that in Korea. Good at English doesn't mean he is good at everything. I think Ngugi's article gives me a chance to reckon recent English fever. Power is very brutal and greedy. People who have power keep their power forever with controlling the world. We are still oppressor without noticing.
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